Nancy S.
App lacks ability to manage payment options and preferences. Must log in from a COMPUTER to do this. The app's appearance and function is exactly the same as using a browser on a phone, so cannot manage payment info from phone at all. (For the record, using Android on a Samsung S22.) In addition, the opt-out link for "do not share" doesn't work. Had to call.
9 people found this review helpful

Amanda Osborne
Super glitchy. I installed the app & it pulled in my cart from many many years ago and wouldn't let me delete everything so I could start over. Then I was scrolling through dishes and it kept showing me the same stuff over and over. I couldn't make a new favorites list even though it looked like I could. Installed and un-installed in less than an hour.
6 people found this review helpful

Kimberly Ward
I'm trying to delete my account, and the app doesn't have a clear way of doing it. The settings options hide each option of changing password, email, address, etc, so it's confusing to sort things out. The customer service is all AI and not well at solving issues. Also, the annual fee to get free shipping is difficult to stop, so you have to either remember to not renew the service in a year or let them take $20 out of your account.
26 people found this review helpful